thegoonies : info : weblog

thegoonies jump on the weblog resurgence with one of our own. i have no idea how frequently this section will be updated,, but stay tuned, and time will tell.

sonicnet music news..
\"He has all these good songs and everything, American flag songs and all that stuff, and now he\'s a floating fag.\" — Bob Lucente, Fraternal Order of Police ( NY Chapter )

bruce has a new song called \"american skin\" which includes a verse addressing the murder of Amadou Diallo. Various police organizations in NYC have made very bold statements in reaction to the song and currently are boycotting the BOSS!
posted by: kevin : 2000.6.12

hi my name is sam, i draw pictures, from your titles. this site is so neat. the drawings are super simple,, but i was transfixed.
posted by: kevin : 2000.6.7

Photographing events and demonstrations..
an interesting article about photographing groups of people in public.. touches on the moral / legal aspects. i know a lot of you shoot photos,, ( thanks to matt from the subvox list for the link )
posted by: kevin : 2000.6.7